Monday, February 25, 2013

Hamba yang hanya mampu berdoa

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Sudah berzaman rasanya dah tak sentuh blog ni..  Tapi macam la ada orang kesah blog ni wujud lagi ke tak.. mesti tak ada orang kesah pun kan kan kan!! hehehe.. (sedar diri).  Sebenarnya kali ni post cuma nak lepaskan rasa nervous yang teramat sangat untuk praktikal minggu depan di sirim.  Macam2 bayangan dah bermain difikiran yang genius ni.  (genius ke arah negatif lah tapi nya pun). hehe..  Antara bayangan2 yang timbul adalah............ Orang2 kat sirim tu suka aku ke???? boleh terima aku ke???? memang nak ambil aku ke??? ke dorang terambil aku secara tidak sedar dan tidak sengaja??? OMG mengapa ini semua harus berlega2 di dalam fikiran yang genius ni.  Untuk menghilangkan rasa nervous yang teramat sangat ni, aku hanya mampu berdoa kepada Allah, semoga sirim ni jadi tempat yang terbaik untuk masa depan aku dan semoga Allah kurniakan penyelia dan rakan sekerja yang baik2 belaka dan taat padaNya.. In Shaa Allah, amiiin.. :')

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dean list student..

assalamualaikum w.b.t
syukur alhamdulillah last semester half of my classmate become a dean list student..
and i also one of them.. i hope this semester i can maintained my cgpa.. 
to me that's only way i can make my parents happy n proud with me..

The date of 27.11.2011

that is the day my lovely sister become a someone fiancee..
it's quiet difficult for me to accept..
i feel like im losing my sister but it is ok,  i really happy for her..
i hope she will happy forever n her love with abg nagib will be growth from day to day.. :)
everybody are very happy on that event and it is quiet tired for me n  my family..
(pelamin n hantaran buat sendiri tau) :p

Friday, July 29, 2011

[MTV] Lena AF9 - Sisa Kisah Kita


Friday, July 22, 2011

its all about love..

Assalamualaikum w.b.t
love love love..
everybody in this world,of course already know what is love right

if have people who did not know what is love,i think they are in group
'kurang kasih sayang kot' hahaha...
but today i actually want to talk about future husband..
for sure everybody want choose the best man that can become their husbnd
to me,i want man husband that can love n take care me like my father
n 4 sure that man are very care with their 'solat'...
actually we need to look their comitmen in religion,not bcoz they are caring o loving
n what so ever,this is bcoz when they are not caring with us anymore,
we will ask them 'y u not caring like b4 this,dou still love me?
but if we love someone bcoz of their cmitmen in religion,this question will not become issue
in our relationship..
i heard this in ceramah @ uitm puncak alam..
ok thats all my 'celoteh' today..:-D

Friday, July 8, 2011

Alahai Sahabat....

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
hye kawan nape awk dah susah baru nk cari saye?
dah tak de kawan baru nk cari saye ye?
alahaiii sahabat...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Assalamualaikum w.b.t sume..
huh! ye title entry kali nie sgt menyedihkan bukan?
tp itulah menjadi kawan di pp saye wat mase nie..
naseb bek la kompress jerawat dr puteri rembulan sentiase menemani saye.. hehe.
adoii idunggg.. haha

jawat penoh sekeliling muke.. huaaa...

adoii, i can't describe this pic. :P